Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Love scrapes

With the spring come the motorcycles, and I guess high gas prices have something to do with it too. Everywhere I look there are young guys on powerful rice rockets, weaving through traffic taunting the cops.

Actually, I totally get their state of mind; bikes are really cool, especially if you're young and male. Where did I read recently that guys' brains only develop fear around age twenty-five? True, in my experience.

The blokes take their sweethearts riding as well. It's like having a two-scoop ice-cream. Not only do they tool around on their pride and joy, but their squeeze is sitting right there behind them, holding on around their waist, grinding herself into them. Lord. Talk about heaven on two wheels.

Trouble is that so often neither of them is wearing a helmet, and only the flimsiest of clothing. Every time I see a girl's bare arms wrapped around the guy, I remember the words of an EMS guy I know, who calls all motorcyclists "organ donors".


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