Monday, April 21, 2008

G-Spot, Directions

This is how a friend once described how to find a lady's G-Spot.

You'll be looking for it on the upper wall of her vagina (as she's lying on her back). It's about three inches in. When it's aroused, it will be swollen, sensitive and very easy to find. Otherwise you should concentrate on stimulating that general area until it becomes noticeable to the touch.

A more complete User Guide, in a style I'm comfortable with:

Congratulations! Welcome to the world of G-Spot models W-1 and W-2 (USA/Canada only) from Finger-Her Corp. This craftsman evolved product will give you many hours of pleasure. Accessories available.

Before playing G-Spot game first time, open box and check contents. Contact our representative immediately if parts look old, or past use-by date.

Warning: Quality control beer-sensitive issues exist.

Place W-1 face upwards on flat surface. (Fig. 1) Carefully remove protective coating and transport grease. Keep packaging in case of return for exchange or repair.

Locate jack V-1. If difficulty encountered, refer Fig. 2, or ask for help.

Determine lubricant status. If no lubricant, we recommend Shagg-Oh Lubricant No 19 from our catalogue. We test our oils in high volume swinger sets.

Insert one finger into V-1, careful not to miscount.

Warning: Inserting more than one finger initially may cause early end to Finger-Her experience. More than one is okay with time. Ask W-1 for multiple digital entry policy. Warranty voided with digitis extremis.

For most W-1 models, G-Spot found approximately three inches (75mm) from V-1 entranceway. Target reached when noticeable reaction occurs, for example an audible moan, "Yes", whimper, cry,"God" etc

Good job!

For advanced gaming, see our product list and upgrade policy.

We here at Finger-Her (G-Spot Division) rejoice in your many happy usages, and remember, as we here always say:

Perfect Practice, Purring Pussy.


For a first-class guide to finding the G-Spot and other wonderments, try this. [link]

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